The Freedom Principle:
Intelligent Design and The Bible
What is the evidence for the existence of God?
Modern analysis of the relationship between biology and computer programming has surprisingly given us new evidence for the existence of God. In biology, the genetic instructions that tells the cell how to prepare a particular part is called a gene. In computer programming the code instructions that tells a computer how to perform a specific task is often called an object. There are two ideas here. The first is that a gene in biology is similar in function to a code object in computer programming. The second idea is that in biology, a gene is meant to be used over and over again, not only in the same cell, but in different types of cells as well. For example, you can take the gene that codes for insulin out of human pancreatic cells and insert it into bacteria, and the bacteria will produce insulin. In fact, this is how the world gets it's supply of insulin today.
In computer programming, code objects are meant to be used over and over again not only in the same program, but in different types of programs as well. For example, the publishers of the operating system for iPhones will sell to app developers a programming package that contains lots and lots of code objects to handle the routine tasks of any program. So for example the Done button on different iPhone apps will often look exactly the same because it is coded for by the same Done button code object. Guess what? If you compare the program code of any two different iPhone apps they will probably be over 90% exactly the same because they contain many of the same code objects to handle the routine tasks of any program. The surprising conclusion of this modern analysis is that the similarity of the genome between species is probably not evidence for evolution or common descent, but rather it is probably evidence for a style of programming we use ourselves; object oriented programming, and that's evidence for intelligent design.
Also there is new evidence for the existence of God from from the modern analysis in peer reviewed papers of genetic mutation rates. See Professor John Sanford's book Genetic Entropy. It turns out that the vast majority of genetic mutations are near neutral, deleterious information loss, copying errors. Near neutral mutations are problematic for the theory of evolution because they do not show up at the level of the phenome (the whole organism) and therefor there is nothing for natural selection to select for. However it can be shown that these near neutral mutations are accumulating and that no amount of natural or even artificial selection can filter them out; the genome is deteriating over time. If mutation / selection (the theory of evolution), cannot even maintain the existing information content of the genome, then it cannot be credited with the current information content of the genome or with providing any significant new information to the genome. This genetic entropy is of course very controversial because it stands to overturn what many have taught for a long time; the theory of evolution.
Entropy, meaning information loss and disorder, was a term first used in modern physics, which tells us that the universe itself is also winding down. However, this is not a dismal science because it is encouraging that this evidence also suggests that there is a source of
intelligence and creativity in the universe, (anti-entropy) that has no parent - God. And that therefore, what is made, speaks of it's maker.
If God exists why does he not make himself more readily known?